Azerbaijan lost a young talented man.

Shahin son

Azerbaijan lost a young talented man.

One of the young talents of Azerbaijan Sahin Karimli died last week. He was a young man with physical disabilities of the first group. But his skill surprised thousands of people. Shahin has been closely involved in the modeling and development of many local and national technologies such as drones, UAVs, weapons, robots, alternative energy sources, future homes and vehicles.

Sahin had 1 dream: to make his mark in the field of modern technologies. He was trying to solve infrastructure problems during his short life. And the motto of life was for the unlimited world.

Sahin did many things in this direction. One of them was the startup HiRamp. HiRamp was a smart ramp that improved the mobility of people with physical disabilities and the elderly.

After 3 years of activity, he could fulfill his dream. The first prototype of the smart ramps was about to be ready in the next few days. On March 25 of the current year, Sahin would test his new prototype with his cart. He aimed to broadcast that video around the world. But the black news broke all the plans at once. Sahin died at a young age.

May your place be heaven, Sahin. We will miss you every day and every step of the way.

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